Friday, December 11, 2009

Debt Ceiling

In October of this year Congress will be forced to raise the National Debt Ceiling yet again. This raise will be on 1.8 Trillion Dollars. There has been a history of this kind of behavior since a national debt limit was created. Already it has been raised twice this year, leaving it currently, at 13 trillion. They say that if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling that the nation could be forced to default. But would that really happen? What would the result of America going bankrupt be? Because the economy is no longer specific to each country, I think that that would greatly hurt the global economy. But, even though, I doubt this is in our future, what would a nation going bankrupt look like. Would we be taken over by China? Our government falling apart and our country being split up and sold like a business?
Another question I have, is what is the point of a National Debt Ceiling, it looks to me like it hasn't had much effect on national spending. There was a bill created to try to minimize government expenditure, but it has had little effect. So is there a point to a ceiling that is moved every time we have a crisis? That doesn't seem like much of a control at all. The government is like a small child, it knows its parents will give in, even if they say no at first, if they push and cry enough. If rules arn't enforced, they are more damaging then good.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hawaii's Birth Confirmed!

Up until now, there has been no way to gain evidence that the theory of Hawaii's birth from a lower mantle plume was correct. Now with the help of a lab full of removable seismographs, the seismographic history of Hawaii has been recorded and read into deeply. It has been shown how the seismic waves travel and carry material that becomes part of Hawaii. This is a large accomplishment in recording the seismological events of our earth, with the ability to read the activity in the lower mantle.


The promise of jobs has been heard before, but, now President Obama is giving a speech regarding his plan to give Americans more work along with outline key priorities for investments and growth. He covers the subject of small businesses and increasing modern infrastructure, as well as a plan for people to keep their homes. The president says:
“We don’t think there is one silver bullet, one plan, one speech or a singular piece of legislation that alone will solve double digit unemployment,”
This means this spending of 200 billion dollars is just one more part in the national plan to stimulate the economy. Event though this is just one part, I believe that, if it works, it is a very crucial part. The economy will not be able to heal itself with unemployment in the double digits. There has only been one economy that could support a class of over ten percent unemployment, and that was ancient Japan. And that was only possible because of the nature of their main crop, rice. We do not have such a government, nor crop, so we cannot support a samurai like class, for people to spend into the economy, they need to feel secure in their finances. This makes a steady job and cash flow necessary for the recovery of the nation.

If the Basics are Bad...

Over the past few years, over 20 percent of Water Treatment Plants have been found to been providing contaminated water tho the citizens that rely on them. Dangerous chemicals or bacterial found in sewage have been recorded to be within the populations drinking water. Even though it is not known yet how many health problems it has caused, unclean drinking water is known to negatively effect the health of a population. This also shows yet another instance that we are poisoning our environment, pouring pollution into not only our atmosphere, but our drinking water as well. At this day in age, we can no afford to have unclean drinking water as well as the other contaminates that are constantly around us. We are already constantly at battle with carcinogens, unnaturally chemicals in foods, and waves which we still do not know the effects of. We are turning out world into a place that is hostile to life, and yet companies that can keep us healthier for even a little longer are starting so ignore regulations. I find this a scary concept, and not something I have thought about, because of where I live, I didn't think that the lack of clean drinking water would ever effect me.

Yet Another Bombing

Yesterday at 10am there were a series of five bombings, including three suicide bombers, who struck in western Baghdad. It was said that at least 121 people were killed and many more were injured. The bombers struck around public locations, going for numbers only. Places like a college and the local zoo were near the attacks. These bombings are yet another result of the election that has been put off until the recently announced date of March the 6. The bombings, show the displeasure of some people feel towards the election. Personally i think that this election is needed and it will be a huge step forward for this country. But it needs to be more than the security guards fault for this bloodshed. The cannot be responsible for suicide bombers ramming through their checkpoints. With greater technology maybe more of the bombs would have been detected.