Tuesday, December 8, 2009


The promise of jobs has been heard before, but, now President Obama is giving a speech regarding his plan to give Americans more work along with outline key priorities for investments and growth. He covers the subject of small businesses and increasing modern infrastructure, as well as a plan for people to keep their homes. The president says:
“We don’t think there is one silver bullet, one plan, one speech or a singular piece of legislation that alone will solve double digit unemployment,”
This means this spending of 200 billion dollars is just one more part in the national plan to stimulate the economy. Event though this is just one part, I believe that, if it works, it is a very crucial part. The economy will not be able to heal itself with unemployment in the double digits. There has only been one economy that could support a class of over ten percent unemployment, and that was ancient Japan. And that was only possible because of the nature of their main crop, rice. We do not have such a government, nor crop, so we cannot support a samurai like class, for people to spend into the economy, they need to feel secure in their finances. This makes a steady job and cash flow necessary for the recovery of the nation.

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