Monday, April 12, 2010

First Experiance

I went to the orientation last Wednesday and I was shocked at how many people had shown up. The entire Mooney Family was there, along with other people I recognized. There was a short presentation in which the regional staff told us facts about the program and what to expect once we start working. There are a huge number of volunteers, hundreds of thousands, and over three million athletes world wide. It is sponsored by many major corporations, although we were not given their names. We were told that at first we would get very minor jobs from the head coach and once they found us reliable we would move up to jobs with more weight. It is apparently a huge growing experience for both you and the athletes and a wonderful place to become a life long friend and mentor. She quizzed us after and we turned in our paperwork, confirming that we read the Coaches Code of Conduct and took the quiz that's meant to protect the athletes against sexual abuse. I cant wait to get started and will be placed as soon as my security clearance comes back.

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