Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Issue; Drilling for Oil

I think that this oil spill off the coast of Florida, while a horrible catastrophe, happened at the perfect time. Right when Obama was planning to fight for drilling right off the coast, a huge pump broke and is spilling out hundreds of thousands of gallons into the ocean daily. It will take weeks to drill a support tunnel and stop the flow. This spill will coat Florida's' and possibly some of the East Coat. I am, personally, extremely apposed to drilling for oil, anywhere. My more Democratic, Eco friendly side, wasn't the USA to break the addiction to oil, for the huge companies not to pay millions of dollars in taxes to foreign governments. We need to move forward, evolve. I understand that to drill would be a fiscally responsible move, for the present, but in the long run, breaking our oil addiction would work better. We need to create technology and be ready to lead countries like China into the "Green Revolution" , this will also be an fiscally responsible act. But rather than aiding us in this moment, it will secure the longevity of ourselves as a nation. Something that both parties are trying to insure.

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