Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Frog in Pepsi?!

A few days ago a gutted and decomposing frog was found in a can of Pepsi soda. The offending can was sent to the FDA for testing but beyond the results and a basic check of the nearest bottling plant, nothing has been done. I find myself worried over Pepsi's response to this disgusting find. Absolutely nothing. The have refused to comment further than saying that it is almost impossible in their facility, obviously its a tad more possible then they thought. A representative was kind on the phone until she learned that they had been reported to the FDA, her facade fell rapidly. After that, the company has made no move to do anything but quiet down this situation. I believe this shows where the companies priorities are, certainly not with the people. They are a business, a cold money-making machine. It matters not how the frog got in, although it should be ended before another such incident, but that it did, somewhere during the companies possession of the product. If one has every seen the movie The Cooperation they will note that corporations are modeled after psychopaths, this is once such time as safety and happiness of the consumer is ignored in pursuit of money. Personally, i will not be partaking of Pepsi any longer.

Amy DeNegri took pictures of the can in question right after her husband gagged on its contents.

Amy DeNegri took pictures of the can in question right after her husband gagged on its contents.

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