Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama after the Children!

Many parents were against their children watching the president speak. They refused to sign the waver, or kept their kids from school. They believe Obama is trying to brain wash their children into socialists. The fear of his influence in their children's lives seems unfounded and paranoid. The speak he gave was merely a pep talk, showing the importance of education and the necessity of working hard. Personal responsibility was a key point in his speech, something I'm sure even the parents that refused to let their children watch, teach. Another fact I'm sure the parents didn't know was that Obama was not the first precedent to talk to students. He was in fact, the third, Regan and Bush Senior also traveled to school and spoke to an audience of students. There was no outrage then, and there shouldn't be now. Obama is merely trying to connect to the children of the nation he leads and motivate them to succeed for themselves and the future of the nation.

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