Monday, September 7, 2009

Who wares the pants!

In Sudan women cannot wear pants lawfully. There are multiple accounts of women, being arrested and confined, or whipped 40 times merely for wearing pants. I doubt, personally, i have ever met a woman that has always word dresses or a skirt. Everyone wares pants, and in most cases, they are much more modest than the alternative. Skirts are short and revealing, even long ones fly with the wind and expose skin. Pants, if they are not sagging, show nothing. I know not why they are forbidden to wear pants, it says nothing specifically about it in the Koran other than women must be modest. The belief that women should be modest is something that i agree with, it is believed that all people should cover themselves, people don't want to see that. Stealing a quote from my summer camp: "Modest is hottest".

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