Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Riding Light

In about a year, there will be the first small spacecraft using solar sails released into the universe. This is just a small first step, but in the course of the millennia, scientists think that this could possibly lead to intergalactic travel. While space is the once of the last new frontiers, i think that it is not appropriate to put so much towards space travel. I believe that the scientist should work towards fixing our own planet before moving on and trying to spread the virus of humanity to other parts of the universe. We do not yet know enough about ourselves as a species or about how to live sustainably to think about expanding. We need to keep our thoughts homed, and when we have averted out current crises, then we can turn our eyes skyward.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Chosen One

Little Miss Piggy

Newly released research shows, once again, that pigs are extremely intelligent creatures. With only a few hours of exposure, pigs can learn how to use a mirror to locate food. Even though this is possible, it is still unknown if they recognize themselves in the reflection, so it is unknown weather they pass the well known self-reorganization test. They also learn simple actions in a singly try and are extremely slow to forget. They remember paths to food, read body language of other pigs, and trick each other to keep the food all for themselves. Recently the pig genome was mapped and an amazing number of similarities between the human and the pig genomes were found. Large segments of out DNA are also present in the genes of pigs. I find that extremely obvious, that we are very similar to living things on this world. We all evolved from a commons ancestor, and require most of the same fundamental genes for cell replication and homeostasis and other such processes. I think it is foolish and arrogant to think that we are so special and different from all the other living things in this world. We are no different from any other animal, merely more suited to our environment.
Tonight, John L. Muhammad was executed by lethal injection on Virginia. The had randomly shot at least 10 people from his car with his younger accomplice. The fault I find with his sentence is, is executing a killer still murder? It is still stealing away an unwilling victims life. Murder or not, his life is not any different than ours, our hearts beat the same. Isn't there a morality issue? He obviously does not belong on the streets, but did he deserve to die? Does anyone? In t he Bill of Rights there is an amendments that states that no one shall receive "cruel or unusual punishment", is taking a life cruel or unusual? I think it its. I do not believe that anyone should have the right, especially not the government, to end a life. The fact that many death row inmates are innocent is also reason to appose the death penalty. Having the death penalty is like having the judicial system trying to play god. It should not be allowed to happen, it is setting up the same situation as the Mr. Muhammad created with his gun; one person has the all the power, including the power to end a life with a moments thought, it is too much power to bestow on anyone, no one deserves it.

Ferilizer Bombs, Whats Next?

In Afghanistan the newest and most popular type of home made bomb is made out of ammonia nitrate, which is common in many types of fertilizer. There have been many attacks using this new type of home made bomb in the last few months, some attacks killing many people. The allies found a large amount of this fertilizer along with about 2000 bomb making pieces of equipment, they also detained about 15 Afghans.
The use of Ammonia Nitrate fertilizer is now banned and farmers are forced to use urea-based fertilizers on their crops. I think that this shows a very negative side of humanity. Both the fact that people have found a way of making bombs out of fertilizer, a substance that was created to help give soil life, and the fact that we have banned it even for the farmers that grant the citizens food. It seems that people bent of violence can find weapons in anything, even house hold objects and substances. Also, it by refusing to let farmers use Ammonia Nitrate fertilizer, yes you cut the risk of them "dealing" it, but you also might make them less effective at providing for the innocent people that depend on them. This might, in turn, cause hunger or poverty, leading to more anger and more violence.