Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ferilizer Bombs, Whats Next?

In Afghanistan the newest and most popular type of home made bomb is made out of ammonia nitrate, which is common in many types of fertilizer. There have been many attacks using this new type of home made bomb in the last few months, some attacks killing many people. The allies found a large amount of this fertilizer along with about 2000 bomb making pieces of equipment, they also detained about 15 Afghans.
The use of Ammonia Nitrate fertilizer is now banned and farmers are forced to use urea-based fertilizers on their crops. I think that this shows a very negative side of humanity. Both the fact that people have found a way of making bombs out of fertilizer, a substance that was created to help give soil life, and the fact that we have banned it even for the farmers that grant the citizens food. It seems that people bent of violence can find weapons in anything, even house hold objects and substances. Also, it by refusing to let farmers use Ammonia Nitrate fertilizer, yes you cut the risk of them "dealing" it, but you also might make them less effective at providing for the innocent people that depend on them. This might, in turn, cause hunger or poverty, leading to more anger and more violence.

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