Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Little Miss Piggy

Newly released research shows, once again, that pigs are extremely intelligent creatures. With only a few hours of exposure, pigs can learn how to use a mirror to locate food. Even though this is possible, it is still unknown if they recognize themselves in the reflection, so it is unknown weather they pass the well known self-reorganization test. They also learn simple actions in a singly try and are extremely slow to forget. They remember paths to food, read body language of other pigs, and trick each other to keep the food all for themselves. Recently the pig genome was mapped and an amazing number of similarities between the human and the pig genomes were found. Large segments of out DNA are also present in the genes of pigs. I find that extremely obvious, that we are very similar to living things on this world. We all evolved from a commons ancestor, and require most of the same fundamental genes for cell replication and homeostasis and other such processes. I think it is foolish and arrogant to think that we are so special and different from all the other living things in this world. We are no different from any other animal, merely more suited to our environment.

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