Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tonight, John L. Muhammad was executed by lethal injection on Virginia. The had randomly shot at least 10 people from his car with his younger accomplice. The fault I find with his sentence is, is executing a killer still murder? It is still stealing away an unwilling victims life. Murder or not, his life is not any different than ours, our hearts beat the same. Isn't there a morality issue? He obviously does not belong on the streets, but did he deserve to die? Does anyone? In t he Bill of Rights there is an amendments that states that no one shall receive "cruel or unusual punishment", is taking a life cruel or unusual? I think it its. I do not believe that anyone should have the right, especially not the government, to end a life. The fact that many death row inmates are innocent is also reason to appose the death penalty. Having the death penalty is like having the judicial system trying to play god. It should not be allowed to happen, it is setting up the same situation as the Mr. Muhammad created with his gun; one person has the all the power, including the power to end a life with a moments thought, it is too much power to bestow on anyone, no one deserves it.

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