Thursday, February 18, 2010

Eduaction in Califonia

On the California District of Education website they have many links, including; Inventory of Services and Supports for Students with Disabilities,
Assistive Technology for all Individuals with Disabilities
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, All pertaining to the education of children with mental disabilities. A whole web page is dedicated to the rules and programs made for disabled students!

In 2009 the IIS analysed many schools programs and set a standards at a district level. The teaching is based on accurately assessing the students progress, and identifying the students, then coming up with a strategic and intensive support system. The parents of the children are also an important part in the process. They are responsible for the children at home and for the continual emotional support.

The NICHCY is a site on disable students that has a great deal of information on the schooling of disabled children. They have a wealth of information on; Disabilities in all ages, IDEA, No Child Left Behind, and new research.

Lately, it seems, our school system especially, as been more and more responsible and providing towards those with disabilities. I believe that this is a great improvement and should continue to progress. The students in our, personal, special education program are some of the nicest and most worthy kids at the school. They deserve all of the education opportunities that are possible, and all the help that can aid them in their success and happiness.

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