Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Not to be Outdone

So as not to be left behind, Google has now added a new social networking tool, called Buzz, to gmail. They hope to compete with the 400 million users of Facebook and Twitter. Google is trying to tackle the information overload problem, as well as integrate the working world with the social one. Meaning, that the product, they hope, can be multifunctional, not merely used in spare time. Facebooks response is to increase the horizons by incorporating other chat programs and trying to enter the messaging business.

This increase in social networking technology has been a rapid progression. However, being in contact with people all the time, does not help the torrent of information that is constantly being fed to each individual. Even though Google claims it will help, because of the filters and programs they use to search with, giving people merely another entry way into limitless information, does not seem to be very helpful. Now, in giving us a new entry way, they might have made the searches more defined and useful, but it is still another crack for information to overtake you.

I am a large fan of Google, most of their programs are very useful and, from what I have experienced, stable. I am interested in how Buzz will fair against instant communication sites like Facebook and Twitter.

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