Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Binyam Mohamed

Binyam Mohamed, a prisoner, suspected of receiving firearms, that had been kept in the UK until recently has brought his years of torture to light. He was constantly deprived of sleep, shackled and threatened. This was at the hands of the United States military with the knowledge of British officials. The treatment was:
"cruel, inhuman and degrading"
and has now been taken to court. The reasoning behind the torture was questioned, it was said:
"This judgement is not evidence that the system is broken, rather it is evidence that the system is working and the full force of the law is available when citizens believe they have just cause."
Personally, I do not see how torture is a sign of a working system. And justifying the torture makes it even worse. That indicates twisted people as well as an unfair and inhumane system. If it is possible to make the torture of another human seem like the right thing to do, morally, as well as lawfully, it is more then just the system that is broken.

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