Wednesday, March 31, 2010

An Actual Use for Social Networking!

Lately people with debilities or who are ill or handy capped have been using social networking sites to expand their world and gain support. This is a good option for people who are unable to leave their homes often or have problems that prevent them from interacting normally with others in a face to face situation. These networks, provide support through live chats and lets disabled people make friends and talk about their situation and the world that they might not be able to see. These people can seek out others that understand their situation and can provide an understanding friend, instead of the disabled persons feeling alone and misunderstood.
“Soon I had a little neighborhood. It was like stopping in for coffee every day just to see how things were going.”
There is only so much that you can understand about the world bu watching the news, these networking sites allow people to feel connected once again to the world outside of where they are confined.

I think this is a great use of technology, much better than students procrastinating on their homework by chatting oh Facebook.

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