Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lets Learn From the Fish!
I don't think that this is a new break through, but scientist have found that when dealing with damaged hearts, injecting stem cells do not create favorable results, they are useless. Ulrike humans, who replace maybe half of their heart cells in their whole life and when damaged produce scar tissue that does not contract, Zebra fish can regenerate a fifth of their heart if it is cut off. The scientists do no know how this is naturally don't yet, but they have noticed that the mature cells revert back to slightly differentiated cells before multiplying to regenerate the lost tissue. This is currently impossible within in humans, they have found that the DNA in human heart cells after damage replicates in the beginning stages of P1, but does not pass through the checkpoints.

While we do not know how Zebra fish are able to regenerate, or why we cant. I believe that studying other animals and essentially copying their genes into our own genome could, quite possibly, be the future. It will be extremely controversial, raising questions like "what is human?" and "how human do you have to be to gain human rights?". But this future, where we can take the desirable traits of all the animals, this is when we can take evolution into our own hands.

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