Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tables Turned

It seems that the situation has changed a tad from when the Republicans were playing the role of the "No Party". They have, instead of merely rejecting all ideas, finally proposed some of their own. President Obama has chosen four to agree with and include. These four include: the use of tax-advantaged medical savings accounts, increasing the pay for Medicaid doctors and spending 50 million dollars in sending undercover medics to find corrupted medical systems. Now instead of the Democratic party looking like the driving force, they are the ones rejecting these suggestions, and letting the Republicans turn the tables on them. President Obama has cushioned this by accepting the four proposals. Republicans say that if the new Medicaid bills pass, the budget and consequential tax increases will drive the Democrats out of office. They also say that the current budget is an impossible number, and would not have severe enough effects.
“There’s no question Medicaid won’t be able to provide adequate access,” Mr. Grassley said in response to Mr. Obama’s letter. “It’s good if the White House has figured that out.”
It is greatly hoped that with this new action, further negotiations might be instigated, and this bill might get through the system.

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