Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Another Perspective

On this issue, I gave into curiosity and decided to see what Fox News had to say on it. I am not quite shocked at the deference between the original article I read at the New York Times website and the one belonging to Fox News. While Reconciliation is barely mentioned in the Times, it is treated as a horrific concept and a word to be feared, I quote:
Obama to invoke the "R" word.
It goes on to give quotes from democrats stating how it will make things harder for them, and how they do not know if it will succeed. Later, the article shows the situation in a light in which Obama and the Democratic party are threatening the Republicans, planning on ignoring them anyway, and tricking the people. In the conclusion of this article, the writer comforts the reader by making it sounds as tho the Democrats have no chance of pulling of a reconciliation.

I find this article interesting, mainly because of the radically different approaches that the reporters have between The New York Times, and FOX News. I tend to find myself trusting the Times more, then what has been said to be extremely biased and not always situated in fact. I have concluded, yet again, that Fox News, is not to be trusted for anything but entertainment.

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