Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wrong Way!

Obama is now proposing to start drilling for oil off the east coast. While the rigs would be out of sight and the states would get some of the profit, I feel this is a big mistake. While I know that he never deceived us, even saying in his State of the Union Address that
“tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development.”
will be made, and I am sure, as the president and a global player, he has a view of the state of the world that far exceeds my own. But even with that being the case, i can not agree with this plan,

I feel that it is working towards the wrong end. Our goal should not be merely to reduce the US's dependence, but move away from using oil in general. It would be like the Prius, better for the ones buying the gas, but in the end, it has one of the most toxic batteries in existence which goes right into our earth. So while it claims, low emissions, and environmental friends, its really just pocket friendly to those who drive it and is hurting the environment in other, less disclosed ways. This drilling will not help up break our addiction of oil, merely foreign oil. I think that he should instead invest all the money that would go into buying the property, doing environmental research, drilling, then refining into creating alternate energy sources and making our country compatible with them.

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