Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why Am I Not Sympathetic?

It seems that the drug companies have been taking quite a hit the last few years in relation to China and India and are fearful for the future. China accounted for 45% of the gross income drawn in by the drug companies and had a growth of 21%, contrasting greatly with Americas 5% growth. A reporter describes the situation saying:
“These traditionally peripheral economies are gearing up to turn the tables on the established pharmaceutical world order,”
Meaning that while America and Japan are still huge contributors, the gap is being bridged between the former top, and the growing former inconsequential countries.

They say that Americas misfortune on this front is caused by:
worldwide economic crisis, but also of patent expirations on a variety of name-brand drugs, growing use of generic drugs, reduced investments in biotechnology and tighter government restrictions on the pharmaceutical market
All things that will not improve in the very near future, unfortunately for the pharmaceutical companies.

I find it difficult the be sad for the corporate executives who might not get to have their multi million dollar Christmas Bonus. I understand that this is harming our economy, but the pharmaceutical companies have been cheating people out of money, refusing necessary treatments, and generally abusing their power for too long, Its time they fell and gave the medication field back to the scientists.

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