Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Almost There!

In this article, the impression given is that the Health care argument is almost over: that something will be passed soon. The Senate has approved a variation of a bill, and now the House is attempting to add some budgetary reconciliation. This will allow them to pass the bill using only the 51 votes instead of 60, because there is no filibusters on reconciliations. It looks like, no matter what happens at this point, something will be passed. As a
Republican of Texas, said Democrats were using “a sneaky snake oil gimmick” to pass their bill. “Let’s have an up-or-down vote on this bill and not hide behind some procedural mumbo jumbo,” Mr. Poe said.
the main attack the Republicans are using is that the process is cheating, or sly. While this technique might not be the most honorable, it is technically a valid strategy and, in this situation, extremely effective.

Personally, I am very hopeful for this bill, and eagerly await the completion of this long and painful process.

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