Thursday, October 1, 2009

50 Gallons of Water in One Cup?

The people from World Wildlife Foundation have tracked the consumption of water through the entire production of one cup of latte, and the number they came up with was frightening, about 200 liters. Every time someone drinks a latte they are consuming over 50 gallons of the earths fresh water supply, that is not only a huge strain on the world, but think about all of the people in undeveloped or developing countries who do not have fresh water to drink, and how many of them it would save to give up even a week of coffee.

While I love coffee and do not want to give it up, the amount of water we use in its production is absurd. I think that if many people were aware of this huge number less people would drink lattes unit ll the production became more efficient. I completely agree with this video when it says that we need, not only to change this individual production, but we must to change our way of thinking about consumer items in general. The fact that many Americans don't care where there items come from or how they are produced along with out use and discard mentality, is doing the environment real harm. We take all the recourses and then fill the land back up with toxic and unnatural materials while poisoning our water and air. You might say, its only a Latte! But that Latte could be a small step forward instead of one more thing we are using to kill our planet.

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