Friday, October 2, 2009

New Kid on the Block

There has been a huge new discovery! Discovered in 1992 a new skellotin named Ardy was found in Africa, these remains are aproximatly 4.3 million yeas old and is an Ardipithecus ramidus, what could possibly be the predicesor to Lucy, who we have connected to the development of the modern Homo Sapein.

Fossil Skeleton From Africa Predates Lucy

Why is this important? Its just a pile of really old bones! Its important for a few reasons, mainly it is another link between humans and their common ancestor with the apes. This supports the theory of evolution, making it even more believable. At the same time, this might in the long run have start religious unsettlements, yet more proof against creationism. It is the history of life, the history of humanity, and I believe it is just as important as learning the history of individual countries or empires, if not more so, because this applys to everyone. Not just Europeans, not just Asians, every single human.

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