Friday, October 30, 2009

Medicare Dellema

The Medicare system had gotten extremely complicated over the years. There are multiple kindscoverage that can overlap or leave large hole that must be covered by private companies. The government run Medicare has 44.8 million people but about 17.5 million still require additional coverage. The monthly price has also greatly increase, retiring extra payment for hospital or Doctor visits. In think that this is not a good system. The fact that the government is providing for the elderly is good, but they system has many flaws. There is not complete coverage and the system's incredible6y hard to sort through or navigate. Also it fluxuates with the population, the generation after pays for the retired older generation through taxes. This is fine when the babyboomers were paying, but now that they are the retired generation on medicare, the next, smaller generation cannot support them. The government will be forced to slack on their benefits for the elderly or go into massive debt, neither of which is a good solution.

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