Friday, October 30, 2009

Suicide Car Bombers Kill 155 People In IRAQ

The deadliest bombing attack since 2007 happened int Bagdad on the 26th of October. Two synchronized car bombs went off near the Justice ministry in the heart of Iraq This bombing was right in the middle of Knri Kamal al-Maliki's reelection campaign. The result was that he lost many of hte people trust and votes because his campaign was based on the relative safety of the country. They do not want a prime minister that can no grantee their basic safety. The blast left 155 dead and about 500 wounded amongst the rebal of the building This shows that even thought we ar planning to withdraw in 2011, Iraq might not be read to e left on its own. It has been predicted that the violence might increase as the democratic election draws nearer and the insurgent groups become more desperate to destabilize the raising government. The government is very frail right now and could nt o holdup if insurgents continue to attack pillars of their leadership. I think that Iraq is not ready to give up the support and protections that American presents gives, but, it is necessary for us to bring out troops home, they have been in Iraq too long already. It is a hard decision, but supporting the democratic process through the election will give the elected person enough power to, hopefully, protect themselves from farther attacks.

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