Thursday, October 8, 2009

Which came first? Ribosome or DNA?

The Nobel Prize for 2009 was granted for ribosomal research. The recipients of the prize were able to get an accurate and discernible picture of the inside of a ribosomes. Because of this reaserch a more accurate view on how RNA is transcribed into polypeptide chains is being unveiled. This research will aid in bacterial disease prevention and treatment, and maybe at some point viral infections. This is important because of the increasing resilience to antibiotics antibiotics, it is a new way to approach protecting ourselves from these microscopic threats. This alsot brings back an age old question, which came fist? Usually it refers to the Chicken and the Egg, but similarly DNA or Ribosomes? Because ribosomes are proteins and all proteins are coded for by DNA and yet, the enzymes that help replicate DNA are made by ribosomes. The both rely on each other and cannot exist apart. A new mystery!

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