Friday, October 2, 2009

Chicago Olympics!

President Obama is campaigning for the 2016 Olympics to be held in our very own Chicago! He says it is like a mini representation of the world, it has everyone, and it will do America proud. It has passed the preliminary rounds of elimination and is one of the last four cities that are still in the running for hosting the Olympics. While i must admit i am biased obviously, I believe that Chicago would be a great choice. Actually, no, it does not matter what city as long as the Olympics are hosted somewhere in the United States. Hosting the games in the US would have two main beneficial effects. One, would be the economy boost that goes along with that many foreign travelers. There are hotel expenses, food bill, and then souvenirs that must be paid into our country from foreign markets. This will not only stimulate the economy that is in direct contact with this surge in cash flow, it will eventually spread though the country, leaving us in a better economic standing. The second reason is that right now, since 9/11 America has been increasingly cut off and hostile to foreigners. We hide behind our metal detectors and national security because we fear another attack. Hosting millions of people form all over the world will force us to leave that scared mentality and open up again, to rejoin the rest of the world without hiding.

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