Friday, October 2, 2009

Poseidons Wrath?

When a 20 food wave hit Sumatra it decimated the city of Padang and other coastal developments. Buildings collapsed under the water pressure, trapping hundreds of people and killing over 1000 more. There are not enough emergency vehicles to retrieve everyone from the rubble, so same died buried alive. Hospitals are full of injured and Indonesia is calling out to for help.

On this subject i completly agree with Presedent Obamas course of action. He wishes to respond possitivly to the Indonesian plea and send aid. I belive this will be good move for America to increase citezen support and start to mend our reputaion with the rest of the world. Most of America knows about this tragedy and if Obama rushes to help, it might gain some of the favor that he has been loosing. With the world, our social standing is horrible, everyone dislikes the United States, if we abandon a country suffering from a natural disaster, we will be despised. The only fault with this plan is the time it is taking to instigate it, people are trapped and dieing extraordinarily painful deaths as we organize. This needs to happen now if it is to have effect.

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