Friday, October 9, 2009

What has Obama done to get a Nobel Peace Prize?

Obama was recently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his foreign affairs and efforts to create a new world political environment. They say he has:
"...captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future,”
“Obama has as president created a new climate in international politics,”.
It might just be because I'm not a huge politics geek, but I haven't heard that he had done all that much. He has met with many world leaders, but what has he actually accomplished? He seems to be an icon for hope yes, mainly because our last president was, lacking. It seems that he was awarded this mainly for not being Bush. For actually being open and reaching out to other countries, for not fallowing the example set by our last administration. I'm sure he has done things for the world, he would not have been considered if he hadn't, and I'm sure it will positively effect the world in years to come, but I believe that his actions were greatly boosted by how horrible the politics of the US was the last eight years.
Even Obama himself was surprised, saying:
“To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who have been honored by this prize, men and women who’ve inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.”
Obama says questioning his new position among the former Nobel Prize winners.
While this is a shock right now, Obama will most likely grow into this new honor. Even if it is just as a figure, he has inspired many people in many different countries. It is important to remember, as much as we want him to fix the world for us, he is still just one person, and one politician. We cannot completely rely on him, we need to help as much as possible, world peace is not something that politics can dictate, it is something the people control.

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