Friday, October 30, 2009

Asylum for Domestic Abuse Victims

The US is now starting to view abuse as a valid reason to grant immigrants asylum. I believe this is a good thing for a few reasons. Mainly that abuse is a problem that people don't, or don't want to, see how common place it is. As individuals and a nations, we should do everything we can to stop abuse and violence. Providing asylum for these victims is a positive step in the fight against violence. It is not a large stress on our country either, they are granted citizenship, so they are not mearly leaching off our economy like illegal aliens. Unfortunately, violence seems to be ingrained in human nature, seeing as how we have been warring and hurting others since probably before we documented it with cave paintings. I think this granting of asylum is a wonderful step, even if it took over 10 years. And, because of it, courts now are willing to look into other cases on a case by case basis to asses if others are also viable for asylum.

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