Friday, October 30, 2009

Police Killed in Democratic Republic of Congo

Over 47 police men were killed on Friday trying to stop a conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This incident does not have and relation to the fights in the east. These two ethnic groups have been fighting for a long time, with what weapons they can get. The government seems to be very ignorant about the state of the conflict, whats happening and what its about. The government did, however send in the policemen to stop this developing conflict. Along with the policemen many citizens also were killed, the government does not know any specific numbers. It is not right for a government to be so disconnected to strife within their country, with so little knowledge and ability to intervene. While these conflicts do not compare to the conflicts farther east, they should not be ignored and and agreement between the parties involved could be reached. The fighting seems to be over small things, like fishing holes, they are not religious wars or large wars involving multiple countries. Why is it not possible to live peacefully, maybe even share the fishing hole?

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